Case Study: Adapts to Cloud-Native with Azure Migration
Customer About
A small size company of 20 employees was found in 2018, headquared in Taiwan, is a technology consultant and service company focusing on living space, atmosphere, and lifestyle improvement. Services of this corporation include multiple workspace platform, and various apps on App Store and Google Play.
Since modern working environment has gone through drastic change, this company have developed online operation platforms and sharing systems. This company also embrace collaborations with Internet of Things, mobile payment, and other service partners, aiming to create a new economic model between working and living space.

This company aims to adapt to Cloud-Native technology for their community service integration platform, adding new functions to their current platform, and alter it into web application without changing their core system structures.
For cloud adaptation, they wish to migrate their on-premises platform to Azure. For security, they would like to adopt API for password management. Requirements for additional functions include large batch email-based notification to inform their community, adaptation of CI/CD, and more measures for monitoring this platform.
Choice of Cloud Migration- Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is a smart, cost-effective public cloud that assists organizations to remain competitive and profitable. By adopting Microsoft Azure, organizations can optimize cost, speed up the delivery of solutions, and focus on higher impact work.
About a year ago, Microsoft Azure has launched a new web apps migration choice-Azure Migrate for the migration of .NET web applications to Azure App Service simply with the help of Migration Assistant tool.
Our proposed solution for web application adaptation is to migrate Windows and SQL server to SQL Databse, Windows and Web server to App Service, and Windows and API server to App Service.
Security measures include web server configuration, app service networking settings, and dynamic encryption. On-site emails are sent through Sendgrid purchased through Azure Marketplace. Version control and CI/CD is achieved through Azure DevOps Repository and Pipelines. Lastly, using App Insights to monitor web server, web page, API, and performance.